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Pierino Gamba en concierto - in concert

Pierino Gamba en concierto by Urech

Posted on 2022-02-23

Concierto en Madrid del italiano Pierino Gamba, considerado un niño prodigio. Debutó en 1945, con apenas nueve años de edad, dirigiendo en Roma la Quinta sinfonía de Beethoven. Entre 1952 y 1971 estableció su residencia en Madrid, cosechando grandes éxitos como pianista y director de orquesta.

Concert in Madrid by the Italian Pierino Gamba, considered a child prodigy. He made his debut in 1945, at the age of nine, conducting Beethoven's Fifth Symphony in Rome. Between 1952 and 1971 he established his residence in Madrid, reaping great success as a pianist and conductor.

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Guggenheim and "Maman"

Guggenheim and "Maman" by Arco-Íris

Posted on 2020-03-30

Um museu que eu queria muito conhecer.

A museum that I really wanted to see... the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao Spain with the spider sculpture "Maman".

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Les lumières de Séville

Les lumières de Séville by Jean-Louis Guianvarc'h

Posted on 2020-01-06

Invitation à une promenade agréable sur les quais aménagés du Guadalquivir jusqu'à la Tour d'Or par une belle soirée d'automne.

Invitation to a pleasant walk on the quays of the Guadalquivir to the Torre del Oro (Golden Tower) on a beautiful autumn evening.

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* Parets dibuixades

* Parets dibuixades by Adela Fonts

Posted on 2018-12-02

Vaig trobar aquestes pintures a un carrer de Ciutat Vella. Les vaig fotografiar per vosaltres

I found these paintings in a street in Ciutat Vella. I photographed you for you

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Un pont sur l'Ebre

Un pont sur l'Ebre by Anna Cherer

Posted on 2018-11-05

Le Pont Lo Passador qui relie les communes de Deltebre et Saint Jaume d'Enjeva, est un pont suspendu de 250 mètres de long et 19,3 mètres de large.La distance entre ces deux villes n’est que de 2 km, mais à cet endroit l'Ebre fait plus de 200 mètres de large, et constitue une barrière qui, pendant de nombreux siècles, n’a pu être surmontée que par le transport de bateaux.
C'est le dernier pont avant l'embouchure de l'Ebre.

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arbol solitario

arbol solitario by mac

Posted on 2018-01-09

paseo por el monte Igueldo un dia gris

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Sur les marches de l'auditorium

Sur les marches de l'auditorium by Anna Cherer

Posted on 2017-07-31

L'Auditorium de Ténérife conçu par l'architecte espagnol Santiago Calatrava Valls est un incroyable bâtiment moderne dont les formes sont inspirées par le monde marin.L'auditorium est devenu l'un des symboles de la ville de Santa Cruz de Tenerife et des îles Canaries. Il est également considéré comme l'édifice le plus moderne dans l'archipel et l'un des bâtiments les plus emblématiques de l'architecture contemporaine espagnole.

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La carga de pescado desperdigada en el suelo

La carga de pescado by Urech

Posted on 2017-04-27

La carga de pescado, mayoritariamente boquerón, yace desperdigada tras el vuelco de este camión a la entrada de la calle de Padre Damián, junto al graderío del nuevo estadio de Chamartín (el actual Santiago Bernabéu). A la derecha se distingue la tapia y parte del edificio de la finca La Masía, que ocupaba el ángulo entre la citada Padre Damián y la carretera de Chamartín (paseo de La Habana), donde hoy se emplaza la parroquia de los Sagrados Corazones. 1948.

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San Hilario Comares Axarquia Spain

San Hilario 4 by grouser

Posted on 2017-03-05

Showered with confetti

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La Virgen de Guadalupe llega a Madrid en avión

La Virgen de Guadalupe llega a Madrid by Urech

Posted on 2017-02-16

The DC-4 Super Constellation aircraft of the Mexican company Guest, which landed at Madrid-Barajas airport on May 21, 1950, brought with it two images of the Virgin of Guadalupe, as well as the archbishop and several cardinals of the Aztec country. At that time there were no diplomatic relations between Mexico and Spain, but they were established on the occasion of the "Ibero-American Guadalupano Congress" that was held in Madrid, also inaugurating the air route.

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Photo from Zaragoza United States

Photo from Zaragoza United States by Miguel Villegas

Posted on 2017-02-06

Esta serie media sobre la apariencia humana de los maniquís. Siempre me ha dado la sensación de que espiran a ser humanos y salir del escaparate.

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LEZZART by Francesc B.

Posted on 2022-01-18

LEZZART c'est sous ce pseudo que ma nièce, street artist, signe ses œuvres. Elle réside en Espagne (comunidad valenciana) mais vient nous voir souvent lors de manifestations de graffeurs en France. Elle pose ici devant une de ses œuvres, avec son fidèle Baloo, mort prématurément en avril dernier, d'un cancer foudroyant, alors qu'il n'avait pas 7 ans ... Une nouvelle page d'histoire s'écrit maintenant avec Taco, un autre Golden Retriever qui a 7 mois maintenant, et qui la suit partout lors de ses créations, comme Baloo auparavant.

LEZZART is the nickname that my street artist niece signs her works. She lives in Valenciana, Spain but often comes to see us during graffiti artist events in France. She poses here in front of one of her works, with her faithful Baloo, who died prematurely last April, of a devastating cancer, when he was only 7 years old... A new page of history is now being written with Taco, another Golden Retriever who is 7 months old.

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* La Natura és Art

* La Natura és Art by Adela Fonts

Posted on 2019-01-14

I like to cook and I love observing the shapes and textures of the ingredients I use. In particular the vegetables that I use daily. In this case it is a small cauliflower cut in half. Nature has sensational patterns. Works of art, I believe.

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* La fulla presonera

* La fulla presonera by Adela Fonts

Posted on 2018-11-08

Unes branques plenes de fulles verdes retenen una fulla de plàtan seca recentment caiguda de l'arbre del passeig.

Branches full of green leaves retain a dry banana leaf, recently dropped from the stroll tree.

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* El gran vidre trencat

* El gran vidre trencat by Adela Fonts

Posted on 2018-09-22

I like to walk through the streets of my city with the machine in my hand. The city never disappoints me. In this case it was finding a big broken glass leaning on a tree. It reflected the street and at the same time let see everything that happened on the other side in the same space. Images similar to a real kaleidoscope.

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descansando frente al mar

descansando frente al mar by mac

Posted on 2018-01-10

en la calma del verano paloma observando los paseantes de la playa

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La 'boina' de Madrid esta mañana

La 'boina' de Madrid esta mañana by MAU

Posted on 2017-10-23

Madrid smog was so thick that there was no hint of the skyline. The picture was taken from a small hill at distance of about 35 Km and I positively know that The Four Towers are a bit under and to the right of the Sun.

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Entrevista al torero Chamaco

Chamaco by Urech

Posted on 2017-05-19

The journalist from A Coruña, Victoriano Fernández Assís, cigar in hand, interviews in a new born Spanish Television to the bullfighter from Huelva, Antonio Borrero Chamaco. This bullfighter was so successful in the Monumental of Barcelona in the middle of the last century that when he was bullfighting it was announced like this: "Next Sunday: Chamaco and two more". Around 1957.

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Brigitte Bardot llega a Madrid

Brigitte Bardot llega a Madrid by Urech

Posted on 2017-04-23

Un tuno entrega un ramo de flores a la actriz francesa Brigitte Bardot a su llegada a la estación del Mediodía. La visita guarda relación con el rodaje, en 1957, en el sur de España, de la película "Los joyeros del claro de luna", dirigida por su entonces marido Roger Vadim.

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Diseño anticuado by Miguel Villegas

Posted on 2017-03-04

Ya no se hacen los coches tan personales. Todos los diseños se parecen, se copian. Ninguno se distingue especialmente por su concepción original.

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Slightly edited Barcelona smart/streetphotography!

#20170211 by Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda]

Posted on 2017-02-11

"Is this the end, or but the beginning?" ...this soon to be ex-#bachelorparty honoree seems to be expressing.
I #cropped out the more eh #savory parts of the #message the #fellow was #sporting, which included an invitation to kiss the #condemned, but which I forewent, opting instead for a solid handshake, with side order of #condolences.

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Unedited Barcelona smart/street photography!

#20170115 by Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda]

Posted on 2017-01-15


After searching for the "Superilla" in Nou Barris (it was, topographically, more like a "delta"), we ended up heading down to the #beach, where poppi of course got some #playtime on the rope #pyramid as we (our part of the planet) rolled over or into/onto the #sunset.

Ah! #Barcelona #Catalogna #España #Europa!

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Aqueduto de Segóvia

Aqueduto de Segóvia by Arco-Íris

Posted on 2020-10-25

Uma noite de verão suave numa cidade muito romântica.

A mild summer night in a very romantic city.

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As meninas de Canido (Ferrol)

As meninas de Canido (Ferrol) by Imaxes en anacos

Posted on 2020-09-15

No ano 2008 un artista veciño do barrio obreiro de Canido enfróntase de xeito creativo ao deterioro no que estaba sumido o seu barrio. Eduardo Hermida pinta unha menina de Velázquez sobre unha parede, comezaba deste xeito un proxecto que revitalizaría o barrio. Desde entonces Canido acumula xa máis de 300 meninas repartidas por todo o barrio, cada mes de setembro artistas nacionais e internacionais reúnense no nomeado evento das meninas de Canido para transformar muros e fachadas en obras de arte.

In the year 2008, Eduardo Hermida, an artist from a working-class neighborhood in Canido creatively faces the deterioration in which his neighborhood was immersed. he painted a girl by Velázquez on a wall, thus beginning a project that would revitalize the neighborhood. Since then Canido has accumulated more than 300 girls scattered throughout the neighborhood. Every September, artists gather at the named event of the girls of Canido to transform walls and facades into works of art.

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Un regard branché sur la ligne...

Un regard branché sur la ligne... by Existence Artistique

Posted on 2019-07-26

Cette série vous fait découvrir "la grâce de l'éveil",l'éveil va naître en soi tout en douceur,invitant chacun à détourner son attention du mental pour le diriger au cœur de Soi, vers cet espace vide, infini et silencieux que nous sommes. Inviter la Grâce à descendre en chacun de vous pour qu’il découvre sa vraie nature est ce qui vous anime le plus,par le silence du zoo de Barcelone.

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Le château

Le château by Anna Cherer

Posted on 2018-12-02

Le Palais Royal d'Olite a été le siège de la Cour Royale au Moyen Âge, les épaisses murailles et les tours crénelées ont abrité rois et princesses. Déclaré monument national en 1925, le château constitue l'exemple le plus significatif du gothique civil de Navarre, et l'un des plus intéressants d'Europe.

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* Música a l'aire lliure

* Música a l'aire lliure by Adela Fonts

Posted on 2018-10-28

Al mig de la ciutat, en un carrer ample, un piano y un banjo i dos músics. Tot d'una comencen a tocar i la gent es planta al voltant a escoltar la seva música.

In the middle of the city, in a wide street, a piano and a banjo and two musicians. All of a sudden they start to touch and people are around to listen to their music.

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#LaRambla #Barcelona #Cataluña #Espanya #Europe

#20180528 by Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda]

Posted on 2018-05-28

I'll be posting images from a #demonstration held in #Barcelona today in favor of immigrants' rights throughout this week.

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Costa Brava

Costa Brava by Graciel·la (Vic. Catalonia)

Posted on 2017-09-13

The last Sunday my daughter did a sea kayak route (in Catalonia's Costa Brava) She took some photos, this is one of them.

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Tarde de domingo junto al estadio Chamartín

Domingo por la tarde - Sunday afternoon by Urech

Posted on 2017-04-29

En los alrededores del actual estadio Santiago Bernabéu numerosos madrileños pasaban la tarde del domingo al aire libre. En aquellos años el recinto futbolístico estaba en medio del campo, cercano a algunas fincas de recreo, en un escenario que nada tiene que ver con los grandes edificios de viviendas y oficinas que actualmente lo rodean. Hacia 1948.

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Tormenta sobre el castillo by Miguel Villegas

Posted on 2017-04-22

Castillo de Coca en la actualidad. Me llamó la atención la aparente amenaza de tormenta, como una cabalgada de caballeros del medievo para rescatar el castillo de la actualidad. (La técnica es de fotografía pinhole en placa de 9 x 12, con cámara Robert Rigby)

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Puesto de libros en la calle de Alcalá

Puesto de libros by Urech

Posted on 2017-03-08

Puesto de libros en la calle de Alcalá. A su espalda, la parada de metro con el rótulo de «Banco», hoy «Banco de España».

Bookstore in the street of Alcalá. To his back, the subway stop with the label of «Banco», today «Banco de España».

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Tyrone Power llega a Madrid

Tyrone Power llega a Madrid by Urech

Posted on 2017-02-18

Actor Tyrone Power and his third wife, Debbie Ann Minardos, on their arrival in Madrid for the filming of the movie 'Solomon and the Queen of Saba'. A few days after this photograph was made, on November 15, 1958, Power died of a heart attack, at the age of 44, at the Sevilla Films studios that were at number 4 of Pío XII Avenue (Chamartín), where there is currently a hypermarket.

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Leona escapa del Circo Americano

La leona Sheriff by Urech

Posted on 2013-07-13

Lioness Sheriff felt like taking a walk around the streets of Madrid and escaped from American Circus located at the beginning of Ríos Rosas Street, near Nuevos Ministerios. It was May 25, 1956 and Urech was who took the photo, one of the most significant and praised in his career, especially for the courage shown by getting so close to the feline "zooming with his feet". Despite the fact that he was working for the newspaper Madrid, the photo was the cover image of ABC journal the following day

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