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Un élan victorieux

Un élan victorieux by ceteceva

Posted on 2024-12-01

Above the beach of Omaha Beach is the American cemetery of Colleville-sur Mer.
This sculpture was created by the sculptor Donald De Lue in tribute to young soldiers.

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Argentique Yashica Mat 124 Ilford FP4+ Camargue

Lost in Camargue ! (V) by Jean-Luc.M

Posted on 2023-12-12

Après avoir visité l'exposition "Lost in Camargue" de Romain Boutillier, je suis allé chercher le Yashica dans le coffre de la voiture et j'ai joué moi aussi à l'homme perdu dans la Camargue :-)
Quelques photos argentiques donc comme un "hommage" modestement à cette belle exposition.
Photo argentique - Yashica Mat 124, Ilford FP4+ - Camargue Septembre 2023

After visiting Romain Boutillier's "Lost in Camargue" exhibition, I went to get the Yashica from the back of the car and played the role of the man lost in Camargue :-)
A few argentic photos here as a modest "tribute" to this beautiful exhibition.
Argentic photo - Yashica Mat 124, Ilford FP4+ - Camargue September 2023

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The Tread - Jean-Marc Barr Actor

The Tread - Jean-Marc Barr Actor by Marie-Line

Posted on 2023-08-13

"Le Fil" (The Tread) is the title of a short film with main actor Jean-Marc Barr. For "Le Fil", he agreed to shoot the scenes where his character is a subterranean diver although he was absolutely not a diver. So he devoted a year and a half of preparation. It so happens that the cave diving scenes were filmed at the source of the Durzon River which flows through my village. While walking one day at the spring of Durzon river, I met Jean-Marc Barr and his passionate cave diving instructors. It was then about scouting for the film and a first dive on the site for the actor. The film was finally shot in June 2022. So I was very interested in seeing the very recent opening. Regarding this photo taken on the spot, it is the unexpected fact of the blue luminous thread which comes to rest on Jean-Marc Barr, added to the title of the film "Le Fil" ("The Tread"), which obviously has has invited me to present it here in a nod to the recent aminus-prompt "thread".

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0156 by SportQuotidien

Posted on 2023-01-17

The light was pretty complex at this martial arts meeting. The main light was backlighting and on the other side there were two spotlights which, appart failing to really light the scene, made it very difficult to take pictures. After spending a good part of the evening wondering how to counter this light, I ended up realizing that rather than going against it I could try to play with it.

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Le joueur de boule de fort

Le joueur de boule de fort by ceteceva

Posted on 2022-12-22

Dans la paysage ligérien, vous verrez en levant les yeux des joueurs de boule de fort, une pratique sportive locale.
In the Loire landscape, you will see by looking up the players of boule de fort, a local sport to discover if you pass by.

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coucher de soleil

Coucher de soleil lorrain by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-08-02

This picture has been taken during a walk in the countryside near La Neuvelotte (Lorraine) France. During the hot days the air was without any haze and the sun went down around nine o' clock .There are no digital enhancements here, except for the shadows that needed a little lighting.
The setting reminds me of some of my paintings in the 90ies, but I must admit that the camera did a very good job here.

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Danse à l'air libre !.. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-04-15

Accrochée à une montgolfière. Danse au gré du vent !

This woman was hanging upside down from a hot air balloon, dancing in the wind.

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La vieille porte . by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-03-04

La vieille porte .
Un Arbre. Un banc. Quelques fleurs.
Un vrai petit bonheur.

The old door.
A tree. A bench. Some flowers.
True happiness.

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Violoncelle. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-02-25

Le violoncelle.
Magnifique instrument, très personnalisé ici..

I was impressed by this ornate cello.

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Emblème. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-01-28

Le chien qui coure et ne se rattrape pas...

A unique hood onament emblem.
The dog that runs and doesn't catch up.

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Belles anciennes ... by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-01-24

Défilé de belles anciennes.
Il manque un peu de soleil, mais elles nous éblouissent quand même.

Parade of beautiful old cars.
It lacks a bit of sun, but they still dazzle us.

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Au calme. by Ray. B

Posted on 2021-12-29

A l'heure bleue,
le calme et la beauté de la campagne

At the blue hour,
the calm and the beauty of the countryside

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Moustache ... by Ray. B

Posted on 2021-12-13

Il porte bien son nom.
Mon nouveau petit voisin, mon copain.
Un chat adorable et câlinou, un petit ange.

It is aptly named.
My new little neighbor, my buddy.
An adorable and cuddly cat, or a little angel.

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Barrage de Génissiat

Barrage de Génissiat by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-10-11

Le plus grand barrage de France vu d'en haut. Par la double exposition, j'ai essayé de rendre mon impression : vertige, monumentalité, force de l'eau.

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Há sítios onde não há Natal

Há sítios onde não há Natal by Arco-Íris

Posted on 2023-12-26

Em Colmar, um Natal muito triste e desafiador para mim.

In Colmar, a very sad and challenging Christmas for me.

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Les yeux dans les yeux

Les yeux dans les yeux by Laurence D

Posted on 2023-08-08

Balade en compagnie de mon APN, j'ai été attiré par cette fraise des bois. J'ai vu une mouche dessus j'ai tenté le coup en me disant elle va s'envoler et bien non!Elle m'a laissé le temps de la prendre.

Walking with my camera, I was attracted by this wild strawberry. I saw a fly on it I tried it telling me it will fly away and well no! She gave me time to take it.

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L'épi de faîtage du château de Saumur

L'épi de faîtage du château de Saumur by ceteceva

Posted on 2023-06-19

At the castle of Saumur in Maine et Loire. Installed on July 9, 2015, the ridge spike 12 meters high and weighing 2 tons 400 is decorated with reliefs, hooks, florets, fleurs-de-lis and covered with 15,000 gold leaves. It is surmounted by a banner and incorporates a lightning rod.
Installé le 9 juillet 2015, un épi de faîtage a été posé sur la tour sud-est du château de Saumur. L'épi de faîtage de 12 mètres de haut et d'un poids de 2 tonnes 400 est orné de reliefs, de crochets, de fleurons, de fleurs de lys et recouvert de 15 000 feuilles d’or. Il est surmonté d’une oriflamme et intègre un paratonnerre.

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église St Girons Monein

L'église St Girons de Monein by ceteceva

Posted on 2023-01-18

Cette église du XVème siècle est la plus haute église gothique du Béarn.
L'escalier de la tour qui grimpe au clocher compte 72 marches.

This church of the fifteenth century is the highest Gothic church of Béarn. The staircase of the tower that climbs to the bell tower has 72 steps.

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0042 by SportQuotidien

Posted on 2022-09-25

I saw this young boy supporting his father. When I was ready to take the picture his father was eliminated and left the track, so his son was not looking at the cyclists anymore but still supporting his father as he did not understood what happened. I was so disappointed that my photo was ruined, but I still took one. When I came home and was able to have a closed look, I realised the the picture I took was much better that the one I had in mind.

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Après la pluie. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-05-02

Après la pluie, un joli miroir.

After the rain, a pretty mirror.

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Grotte de Choranche by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-03-10

Grotte de Choranche.
Pas le droit d'utiliser le flash pour la prise des photos.
Surveillance stricte.
A visiter si vous passez par là.
Et une rando superbe pour y arriver.

The Cave of Choranche. It is prohibited to use a flash for taking photos with strict monitoring. It is a superb hike to get there.

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Chat alors !.... by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-02-28

Chat alors !.... joli dessin dans le bois.
Wood week's prompt

A cat appeared in this wooden fence.

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A rayures !... :)) by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-02-15

Lors d'un vide grenier, c'était l'animatrice .
C'est un joyeux mardi au thème Rouge.

During a garage sale, it was the animator. It's a happy Red-themed Tuesday.

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Le passage du temps

Le passage du temps by Anna Cherer

Posted on 2022-01-28

Le pont transbordeur de Rochefort est un ouvrage d'art de l’ingénieur constructeur Ferdinand Arnodin. Il a été inauguré le 29 juillet 1900 permettant de relier les deux rives de la Charente, entre les villes de Rochefort et d'Échillais, sans gêner la navigation. C'est le dernier pont transbordeur existant en France.

Une nacelle au niveau de la route permet aux usagers de passer d'une rive à l'autre. Elle est suspendue à ce tablier par des câbles croisés et se déplace le long des rails du tablier.

The Rochefort transporter bridge is a work of art by the engineer builder Ferdinand Arnodin. It was inaugurated on July 29, 1900, making it possible to connect the two banks of the Charente, between the towns of Rochefort and Échillais, without interfering with navigation. It is the last existing transporter bridge in France.

A gondola at road level allows users to go from one bank to the other. It is suspended from this deck by crossed cables and moves along the rails.

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Le bonheur est dans le pré

Le bonheur est dans le pré by Jean-Louis Guianvarc'h

Posted on 2021-05-10

Accouplement de papillons Azurés communs également appelés Azurés de la Bugrane. Le mâle se distingue par sa couleur bleu azur alors que la femelle est marron brun.
(Photo réalisée le 8 mai 2021 dans le Tarn)

Happiness is in the meadow
Mating of Common Azure butterflies also called Bugrane Azure. The male is distinguished by his azure blue color while the female is brownish brown.
(Photo taken on May 8, 2021 in the Tarn)

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Connaissance à travers la vitre !... 3) by Ray. B

Posted on 2021-12-16

Connaissance à travers la vitre !...
Le petit nouveau arrivé dans le quartier est un petit curieux !...

Knowledge through the glass! ...
The newcomer to the neighborhood is curious! ...

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Se préparer à hiberner

Se préparer à hiberner by Jean-Louis Guianvarc'h

Posted on 2024-01-15

Après avoir profité du jardin au printemps, la rainette s'est installée dans la véranda pour sans doute passer l'hiver. Elle doit hiberner dans l'une des nombreuses plantes mises à l'abri du froid.
Photo réalisée en novembre 2023.

Prepare to hibernate
After enjoying the garden in spring, the tree frog settled in the veranda to undoubtedly spend the winter. It must hibernate in one of the many plants sheltered from the cold.
Photo taken in November 2023.

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Heartstrings 4) by Ray. B

Posted on 2023-10-26

Concert à Ardin dans l'église.
Ursuline Kairson, Jo Ann Pickens
2 grandes voix de la musique afro-américaine mêlant gospel, jazz et blues.
J'étais mal placé, derrière un pilier. Comme par hasard.... D:))))))
Je suis donc allée m'asseoir par terre dans l'allée du centre de l'église
et au niveau du 1er rang !!!... (tant qu'à faire)
Pour pouvoir prendre des photos et puis profiter du spectacle.

Concert in Ardin in the church. Ursuline Kairson, Jo Ann Pickens 2 great voices of African-American music mixing gospel, jazz and blues. I was in a bad place, behind a pillar. As luck would have it.... So I went and sat on the floor in the aisle in the center of the church and at the 1st rank level!! To be able to take pictures and then enjoy the show.

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Le petit monde de légende de La Piautre

Le petit monde de légende de La Piautre by ceteceva

Posted on 2023-06-08

La Piautre est une brasserie artisanale des bords de Loire qui a imaginé décliner pour ses étiquettes les chimères de Loire : La calaminette, le liandre, le castin pêcheur, la renoutarde, le coulhéron, le ragonzard des murailles, le brochoir.
La Piautre is a craft brewery on the banks of the Loire that has imagined declining for its labels the chimeras of the Loire.

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Sans famille

Sans famille by Laurence D

Posted on 2023-03-09

C'est l'histoire d'un petit merle perdu dans mes rosiers, sans parents pour le récupérer. Nous l'avions ramassé, et mis dans un petit enclos à l'abri des prédateurs. Mon mari l'a nourri pendant des semaines jusqu'à ce qu'il soit en mesure de le faire lui même. Ce petit oiseau était une femelle, elle est toujours restée près de notre jardin. L'année qui a suivi elle nous a présenté sa progéniture, de jolis petits merles. Nous avons tout fait pour qu'elle reprenne son autonomie, et elle l'a fait.

This is the story of a little blackbird lost in my roses, without parents to retrieve it.. We had picked it up, and put it in a small enclosure safe from predators. My husband fed him for weeks until he was able to do it himself. This little bird was a female, she always stayed near our garden. The following year she introduced us to her offspring, pretty little blackbirds. We did everything we could to get her back on her feet, and she did.

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Fujifilm X-Pro2, Paris, The World of Banksy

The World of Banksy (III) by Jean-Luc.M

Posted on 2023-01-09

The World of Banksy (Paris) est une exposition permanente de plus d'une centaine d’œuvres du graffeur de Bristol.

"Au départ, je voulais essayer de sauver le monde, mais maintenant je ne suis pas sûr que je l'aime assez." ~ Banksy

From a permanent exhibition in Paris of over 100 works of the artist Banksy.

"I originally set out to try and save the world, but now I'm not sure I like it enough" ~ Banksy

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Pierre gravée en Bretagne

Pierre gravée en Bretagne by Laurence D

Posted on 2022-08-12

Cette pierre gravée je l'ai trouvée dans un petit village de Bretagne. Je ne connais pas l'histoire de cette gravure . Cette pierre était près d'une petite église.

This engraved stone I found in a small village in Brittany. I do not know the history of this engraving. This stone was near a small church.

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Après la pluie !... by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-03-17

La pluie nous gâte malgré tout.
Avec ses grosses gouttelettes merveilleuses.

The rain spoils us despite everything.
With its marvelous large droplets.

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1200 ans

1200 ans by Francesc B.

Posted on 2022-03-04

1200 ans est l'âge estimé de ce très vieux chêne millénaire qui se trouve à Allouville-Bellefosse, en Seine-Maritime.
Il est considéré comme le plus vieux chênes de France, et a été classé Monument Historique en 1932. Au cours des siècles, il s'est creusé et il abrite 2 minuscules chapelles à l'intérieur de son tronc. Il est haubané et cerclé de partout pour ne pas s'effondrer.

This oak is estimated to be 1200 years old and is located in Allouville-Bellefosse, in Seine-Maritime. It is considered the oldest oak in France, and was classified as a Historic Monument in 1932. Over the centuries it has dug and it houses 2 tiny chapels inside its trunk. It is guyed and circled everywhere so as not to collapse.

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Cornemuse. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-02-24

Le jeune joueur de cornemuse en concert.
Il m'a émerveillé.

The young bagpipe player in concert. He amazed me.

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Montmartre. by Ray. B

Posted on 2022-02-11

Montmartre avant le virus bien sûr !

Montmartre before Covid.

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Christmas  in Colmar

Christmas in Colmar by Arco-Íris

Posted on 2021-12-29

Uma cidade mágica onde se respira a época natalícia.

A magical city where you can breathe the Christmas season.

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A croquer !.... by Ray. B

Posted on 2021-12-22

Le froid du matin...
Fait de bien jolis clichés.

A croquer.
On croirait du sucre la gelée .. :)

The morning cold ...
Makes very pretty shots.

To eat.
It looks like jelly sugar .. :)

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Rencontre passagère (2)

Rencontre passagère (2) by Gérard Flayol

Posted on 2021-12-09

Tous les matins où je partais tôt faire des photos, je croisais cette Américaine venant rencontrer cet Espagnol promenant son chien. Ils partaient ensuite ensemble le long de la rambla en discutant: un début d'histoire d'amour ?

A fleeting encounter (2)

Every morning when I left early to take pictures, I met this American woman coming to meet this Spaniard walking his dog. They would then walk together along the rambla and talk: the beginning of a love story?

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