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shopping mall

Shopping mall by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-08-24

Confédération Centre, Genève. J'aime bien y faire des photos. Ici, le 50mm m'a obligé à me concentrer sur la composition et à trouver le bon cadrage.

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double exposition printemps

Arbre en fleurs by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-04-29

It's only 50m from our home. I saw the white petals lying on the street and took a photo. Then I took another one (in double exposure) of the blossoming cherry tree. A little postproduction and voilà. My inspiration here are japanese prints.

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neige traces

Trace de neige by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-01-18

Il est rare de voir la neige rester à Genève. Elle a tenu 1 jour 1/2. puis la magie avait disparu. J'ai pris cette photo depuis ma fenêtre. Elle me plaît par son graphisme et le fait que l'arbre du milieu soit devenu méconnaissable.

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Travaux by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2023-05-02

I was on a photo walk in my hometown Geneva. This spot struck me because of the grid which reminded of the superposition I practice and the strict geometrical pattern with a fuzzy outcome. This is typical for my interest in subjects other than the usual ones. For decades I try to be mostly open eyed, and photography is a marvelous means for that.

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double exposure

Dans la rue by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-09-26

Geneva, 8:45 am. By the station I saw the glaring sun reflection on the bench. The time to get nearer, somebody sat down on it. I took the 1st picture and rotated towards the tarmac for my 2nd picture. Voilà.

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Selfie by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-08-04

It's an African store on my street. I passed by, halted and saw my own reflection in the shop window. Got it ! I like to see my own reflection so unsharp that one has to look sharp for seeing it.

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Au jardin alpin by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-04-06

We decided to have a walk in this garden and I saw these plants standing there. I made a double exposure - one in a normal manner and the second one by turning my camera upside down. I do this trick quite often when I am shooting landscapes. The other thing is that I was doing action paintings 25 years ago and this picture comes close to it.

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V I P by Roland

Posted on 2021-07-27

photo prise lors du tournois ATP Swiss Open Gstaad. C'est un tournoi international de tennis masculin classé ATP 250 se disputant à Gstaad sur terre battue en juillet.
Ici j'ai isolé l'homme au chapeau (VIP), tout en incluant les lignes de jeux afin de donner l'info que la scène se situe au bord d'un court de tennis.
Photo minimaliste, graphique.

photo taken during the ATP Swiss Open Gstaad tournament. It is an international men's tennis tournament classified ATP 250 taking place in Gstaad on clay in July.
Here I isolated the man in the hat (VIP), while including the lines of play in order to give the info that the scene is located at the edge of a tennis court.

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double exposition

TAPIS by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2020-10-01

I looked down on a book cover and shifted to another one. In my work, I'm trying to explore unusual angles of view in order to be estranged by the outcome. It happened here. The double exposure makes the whole unreal. In this I follow A.Breton.

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Grandes Valais Suisse

lutte contre le gel tableau by Nicou

Posted on 2020-04-04

Pour lutter contre le gel matinal il y a plusieurs façons, les chaufferettes à la paraffine, de gros engins qui souffle de l'air chaud et aussi 'effet de l'arrosage on arrose le champs et les plantes la glace se forme autour de la fleur et la protège.

To fight the morning frost there are several ways, paraffin heaters, large devices that blow hot air and also 'watering effect we water the fields and plants the ice forms around the flower and protects it.

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Torgon valais Suisse

intrus by Nicou

Posted on 2019-11-12

Il est leu quel mélèze au milieu de tous les sapins dans cette partie de forêt il fait l'intrus va perdre ses aiguilles cette image a été captée à Torgon dans le Bas-Valais au dessus de Vionnazlors des premières chutes de neige de la saison, il a attiré mon soutient et mon atention.
Salutations Nicou

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Chemin by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-07-17

Un arbre tombé après les orages. J'ai fait une double exposition avec mon Nikon Z50 en pensant au magnifique peintre genevois Calame dont les paysages romantiques m'ont toujours inspirés, tout comme ceux de Soutine par ex. La photo n'est pas parfaite, mais elle me semble bien exprimer ce que j'ai ressenti.

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double exposition

La sieste by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-05-30

Lors d'une promenade, je suis passé devant un barbier - j'ai tourné l'appareil de 90° pour l'idée du repos. Quelques pas plus loin, nous sommes passées devant des jeux et j'ai choisi de les superposer, en pensant vaguement à Gulliver. Voilà. L'œil se promène, comme mes prestigieux prédécesseurs comme Brassaï par ex. Equipement : Nikon Z50 et objectif 16-50, quelques réglages dans Luminar Neo.

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Vitrine by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-03-14

A glimpse into a showcase. Rue du Mt. Blanc, Geneva

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Stump by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-01-29

C'est une double exposition d'une souche - qui se trouve dans un parc genevois - que je photographie au fil de l'année. Ce qui m'intéresse c'est de créer des images qui me font rêver tout en me surprenant. J'espère avoir réussi un peu ici.

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double exposition

La menace by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2023-05-18

I took this shot over a Comic picture through the window of the library I was sitting in. It reminds me of my early childhood in Germany and other events round the world.

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double exposition

Stairs by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-10-08

It's a shopping mall in Geneva. I took 2 photos in double exposure mode of my Lumix S5 with 50mm 1.8. Some work with the shadows in Neo, that's all.

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Dans la vitrine by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-09-30

I'ts a double exposure. I started with the profile displayed in a showcase, went 2-3 steps further and took the 2nd picture in another window.

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double exposure

Affiche détournée by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-04-24

C'est la vitrine de la boulangerie de ma rue. On voit d'ailleurs la gare au fond en haut. J'ai ensuite pris une 2e photo d'une affichette. J'ai voulu faire une photo très graphique.

This is the showcase of the bakery on my street. We can also see the station at the bottom at the top. I then took a 2nd photo of a poster. I wanted to make a very graphic photo.

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double exposition

Tête rouge avec masque by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-01-07

On a walk I spotted this poster of a french singer on a panel not far away from our home. I took my first picture. I then pointed my camera to a taillight of a car and made the double exposure on my Nikon Z50 with the 16-50 kit lens.

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double exposition

Glycine by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2021-12-09

A walk through an enclosed park in the city of Geneva. I focussed on the wisteria and its autumnal colors. I then turned 90° and got my wife from far as she didn't stop while I was composing this picture.

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double exposition

Chemins by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2021-07-25

Pendant la pandémie, nous avons fait des promenades quotidiennes. J'ai été frappé par cette abondance de peinture jaune et rouge par terre. Elle signifie, pour moi, les interrogations quant aux décisions à prendre. Où allons-nous? Devons-nous suivre ce qu'on nous propose?

During the pandemic, we took daily walks. I was struck by the abundance of yellow and red paint on the floor. It means, for me, questions about the decisions to be taken. Where are we going? Should we follow what we are offered?

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Vanilla by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2020-12-23

It's a block of old and new buildings for artists and associations in Geneva. The court yards look quite abandoned.

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Photo from Sion Switzerland

Photo from Sion Switzerland by Nicou

Posted on 2020-04-23

Le Haut de Cry, montagne qui domine la ville de Sion en forme de triangle je pare de nuages, il es tous le jours différents.

The Top of Cry, mountain which dominates the city of Sion in the shape of a triangle I adorn with clouds, it is different every day.

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St.-Maurice Valais Suisse

Crèche aux 5 sens by Nicou

Posted on 2019-12-04

la crèche de 5 sens, 120 mètre carrée de surface tout fait à la main le décor, de détails d'un village et même une vigne elle est à découvrir à St.-Maurice cette année à la Basilique.

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double exposition

16h14 et 25" by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-06-17

Dimanche à Grandson. J'étais assis dans le train et attendais le départ. Ce qui m'a frappé lors de cette excursion, c'est le calme qui régnait dans ce village, un vide qui me rappelait certains tableaux métaphysiques de Chirico. Un moment d'immobilité et de silence dans un sorte de décor de théâtre. Et puis, le train est reparti vers la ville, mon quartier grouillant de monde et je me suis demandé à quoi ressemblerait mon existence dans un tel lieu.

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double exposition

Affiche by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-05-16

Superpostion of two posters I saw in the streets of Geneva. Nothing else. Just double exposure.

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double exposition

Books by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2024-03-08

Going through a bookstore at Geneva railway station. I first took a picture of a man displayed on the cover of a book, I then looked for the matching 2nd picture : a turning book display some 2 meters away. I was working on the head made of books with and wanted to try it with my trusty Nikon Z30.

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Place de Neuve, Genève : le général sur son cheval by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2023-12-15

Back to my hometown after 1 month in Bali. The sky reminds me of the spectacular sunsets there during the monsoon. In a certain way it's an attempt to mix these two places by the magic of double exposure - here a place in Geneva with a general on his horse and the display of a flower shop just 20m away which reminded me of the luxurious vegetation in Bali and the work of the local carvers.

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double exposition vitesse

En train, à toute berzingue by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2023-04-21

A trip in Switzerland, in camera double exposure. Waiting for the moment when another train crosses by. P.S. I have been very fond of Ernst Haas since my younger years.

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Le voyage by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-09-28

Going from Geneva to Nyon. I took several shots and liked this one best. I chose a slow exposure setting and waited for an interesting view through the window. I don't remember what caused the white flash, I guess it's the tail of a train.

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double exposition

s.t. by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-04-26

Double exposition : a poster on the street and some flowers in the botanical garden nearby. I make collages with my camera and try to play with different textures. The eyes staring at the onlooker come from my effort to make the picture live.

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double exposure

Vélos by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-04-22

It's a garage for bicycles behind Geneva railway station. Going further up the stairs, you'll se on your left a wall painting in yellow. I combined the two ta make an impressionistic photo.

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Vitrine by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2022-04-12

It's a place I shop quite often. In one showcase I saw this ad with the colorful woman staring at me. I then turned around and took the 2nd shot of another store where I saw some reflections of the street.All this took less than 30 seconds, as usual.

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double exposition

Profile by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2021-12-22

Une affiche, puis rentré à la maison, 2e photo, à savoir la nappe sur une table basse. L'inspiration, très rapide, vient des peintures espagnoles du Prado.

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double exposition

Terrasse by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2021-09-09

Jours heureux - happy days. On that morning I went for a check at my doctor's. Coming out, I saw this terrace and people sitting there. It was the first time after many days without having a cup of coffee outside. So I sat happily down and looked around me. I discovered the poster nearby and turned my camera to the terrace for the 2nd exposure. Voilà !

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selfie en statue

Tous mes voeux by Berni Stephanus

Posted on 2020-12-31

It's a self portrait : my face on a statue in Geneva. Made in double exposure mode. I like the idea of a living face on a brazen body. I wanted to show my strength and my fragility as I am under cancer treatment. Strength as I am confident even during this Covid year but many thoughts about myself and my future. I am currently 79,11 years old.

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Photo from Sion Switzerland

Photo from Sion Switzerland by Nicou

Posted on 2020-03-24

La Dent Blanche en Valais Central avec deux petit frizouilles et à sa droit le Cervin, vue depuis mon domicile de Savièse

The Dent Blanche in Valais Central with two small frizouilles and to its right the Matterhorn, seen from my home in Savièse.

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