Hyde Park, Chicago, 1968

I went to Chicago during the 1968 Democratic Convention for a break from graduate school because a friend in journalism at Columbia found me a job there with UPI pictures. Not as a journalist taking photos but as a staff member accepting, registering, and handing film from photographers on the street to be developed and distributed by wire to news sources. Having a few days to explore the city before the convention started I went to check out Hyde Park and found kids there cooling off by running through spray from a fire hydrant they had opened up. When I saw a line of neighborhood women lined up on the street near where the kids were playing I was nervous about photographing them but couldn't resist and finally went as close as I dared. From the photos it's obvious everyone just ignored me. Different times?

Life in Chicago, Ilinois, United States - Hyde Park, Chicago, 1968 by Marian

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