Might be my neighborhood, my town, perhaps it is a cultural celebration, a special food dish, or maybe a simple tradition that speaks volumes to me and my family.
Around the world, we find comfort, familiarity and home in many places.
Toujours la même flaque .... sous un autre angle.) Même église, l'église de mon village :
Etang de la Gruère - Jura - Janvier 2014
C'est ici que je vis!
Enfin pas tout à fait, ma maison n'est pas très éloignée de ce lieu idyllique que je chéris depuis de nombreuses années " l'étang de la Gruère "!
Je viens régulièrement me balader dans cette magnifique réserve naturelle, en toute saison et souvent par n'importe quel temps, mais surtout très tôt dans la matinée. A cette heure matinale, j'ai l'étang pour moi toute seule, je peux m'imprégner de son silence, de ses parfums et de son immense beauté.
A chacune de mes visites je lui découvre un nouveau charme, une autre lumière, différentes teintes que j'essaie de capturer et de reproduire par mes photos.
Un merveilleux espace de quiétude et de contemplation!
I like the Land where I live.
Prefereixo situar la meva vida com a fotògraf entre els camins del món ... Jo no vull tancar-me en un mateix espai ... amagada entre les persones que no volen entendre que la vida és més que respirar cada dia. Necessito respirar com tothom, però fer-ho amb plena llibertat. La llibertat de vida, de pensament i d'expressió..., al costat dels altres que comparteixen el meu temps i la meva passió per l'art fotogràfic... i aquí mateix! La fotografia oberta a qualsevol persona que viu i respira el dia a dia sense dogmatismes i prejudicis absurds ... Jo crec que això ha de ser possible ... Mai he deixat de creure-ho ... i no ho faré ara, quan he viscut gran part de la meva vida ......
I'd rather put my life as a photographer between the ways of the world ... I do not want to lock myself in the same place ... hidden among people who do not want to understand that life is more than breath every day. I need to breathe like everyone else, but do so freely. Freedom of life, thought and expression ... alongside others who share my time and my passion for art and photographic ... right here!
Photography open to anyone who lives and breathes every day without dogmatism and prejudice absurd ... I think this should be possible ... I have never stopped believing it ... and I will not now, when I lived most of my life ...
La Rochelle 2014 Plage de la Concurrence
C'est là où je vis, dans ma belle ville de La Rochelle ouverte sur l'Océan ! C'est l'endroit préféré des Rochelais pour la promenade familiale dominicale, c'est le lieu de rendez-vous des joggeurs, et là aussi où l'on vient voir les tempêtes en hiver et à la plage en été.
C'est ma promenade quotidienne, en toute saison, seule ou avec mon chéri là où je viens me ressourcer, m'asseoir sur un banc, prendre un peu le soleil, pour rêver devant les bateaux, là où je viens contempler la mer, la lumière et le ciel toujours changeants, là où je puise mon inspiration photographique. C'est mon littoral, mon Océan Atlantique. C'est ma respiration. C'est là où je vis.
It is where I live, in my beautiful city of La Rochelle opened on the Ocean! It is the favorite place of people for the Sunday family walk, It is the meeting point for the joggers, and the place where we come to see storms in winter and at the beach in summer.
It's my daily walk, in every seasons, alone or with my darling, where I come to get fresh ideas, to sit down on a bench, to take a little sunbath, to dream in front of boats, where I come to contemplate the sea, the light and the sky always changeable, where I draw my photographic inspiration. It's my coast, my Atlantic Ocean. It's my breath. It's where I live.
What defines the place I live is the Delaware River. I live at the very spot where George Washington crossed this river, Christmas night, 1776 and turned the "tide" of the Revolutionary War. These images capture the marker in the park, and the re-enactment which takes place every Christmas Day. Where I live captures the spirit of the American people, where today our community still embraces our history and celebrates our heritage.
Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, un lieu que je fréquente tous les jours.
Comment regarder une expo: - avec le vélib! How to have a look at an exhibition: - with the vélib (a parisian byke)!
Tour de France exhibition
Jardin du Luxembourg - Paris
A travers la vitre de la voiture... Through the car window ...
Part of a series of photos I made at home, exploring with the atmospheric effect of light and shadows and their interplay with architectural components and surrounding spaces.
We used to live in an apartment in the center of Panama City, but since the end of 2012 we moved to a wooden house in a place known as Diablo Heights, close to the Balboa Port. Being an architect, and having an interest in the perception of space in different projects, living in this house has been a very special experience for me.
Location: Diablo Heights, Panama Date: January 5th, 2014
Shintoshin is trying to compete for the tourist trade with many on the different cities on the Island, so this colorful street is designed to attract the late night party crowd, and tourist looking for a little action:) There is no parking on the street so most come by taxi, or the nearby monorail. There is off street parking but usually it ain't cheap:)
Dona Celia is everyone's Mother, she is gentle and caring reaching out with warmth and sincerity. When we first met I was welcomed into the meeting and eating area of her home and invited to lunch. Over the 30 years that I have known her there have been many conversations, meals shared and advice given. For me Dona Celia is the feeling of home.
First snow in November, captured in Quebec, Canada. This is my home, surrounded with beautiful nature astonishing all year around.
a couple caught in embrace just as the sun sets on the malecon Miraflores
mon lieu de vie ... ma vie est une mosaïque de mille choses mais je choisis un instantané actuel : ma découverte d'Aminus3 ... :D
where I live ... my life is a mosaic of a thousand little places and moments but I choose to pick a very up-to-date picture : discovering Aminus. ... :D
This is a tribute to Jamie Heiden . It is the snowy farm of our Amish neighbors.
I spend quite a deal of my life at this place, as you would know if you have followed my blog over the years. This photo was taken recently during our very hot summer when there are many people visiting the beaches around the two bays of Melbourne. I usually find myself alone on this beach. It is my special place for peace and reflection as I walk and take photos.
Voulant participer au Thème Photographique « Place I Live », très vite, je me suis rendu compte de la difficulté, trop d’endroits, trop de moments, mon choix était difficile. Alors, j’ai décidé de vous présenter cette allégorie. En effet, quelque soit le lieux, quelque soit l’instant, quelque soit l’alentour; à la réflexion, une évidence s’imposait, la constance de notre couple, ma présence proche à Mon Amour. Dans ma vie, je recherche en permanence sa proximité, auprès d’elle la lumière se fait, à ses côtés une douce chaleur m’enveloppe, avec elle les briques du mur de la vie quotidienne prennent une autre couleur, plus supportable. Oui, la place où je vis, c’est près d’elle; même si physiquement je suis éloigné, c’est à ses côtés que je suis toujours. Voilà, j’espère que cette photo vous conviendra pour le thème proposé.
P.S. Bien sûr, cette photo pré-méditée fut réalisée avec elle; le sujet "les ombres" choisi par moi; l’endroit, le moment, choisis ensemble.
Wanting to participate in the Photographic Theme, "Place I Live", I realized the difficulty, too many places, excess of moments, my choice was difficult.
Then, I decided to present you this allegory.
Indeed, about either places, about or the moment, about or surrounding; on second thought, an obvious fact was imperative, the constancy of our couple, my close presence upon My Love. In my life, I look for permanently its closeness, with her the light is made, by her side a soft heat wraps me, with her the bricks of the wall of the everyday life take another color, more bearable.
Yes, the place where I live, it is near her; even if physically I am taken away, it is by her side whom I am always. Here we are, I hope that this photo will suit you for the proposed theme.
P.S. Of course, this deliberate photo was realized with her; the subject "Shadows" chosen by me; the place, the moment, chosen together.
Aminus3 is celebrating it's 10-year anniversary, and ask us to post a photo about the place where we live. I joined April, 2009, and have not missed a day since.
It was hard to pick just one photo to represent the place I live to help celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Aminus3. I chose this photo of a wild gray fox sitting in the field behind our house because I so enjoy seeing the foxes almost every day or night. Even though we live in a large city, there is a wooded area and field behind our house, and we get to see foxes, possums, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, and once in awhile even a bobcat or coyote, plus lots of squirrels and birds.
Portugal. Lisbon.
Lisbon downtown (a baixa) was built at the end of the 18th century, after the almost complete destruction of the city by the 1755 earthquake. Although some hurts already exist, the architectural style is thus fairly homogeneous.
The urban mesh is geometrical (the streets cross at right angles), which is a common pattern in the USA for instance. The Bairro Alto quarter follows the same pattern but the houses were of a lower class. That contrasts with the patterns of Alfama and Mouraria quarters whose urban patterns (not the houses) date back to the Moors dominance of the city (from the 8th century up to 1147).
Here is my entry in the Place I Live community event. This is what parts of the Texas prairie look like in April. Some of my earliest memories are of these flowers. Springtime has always been associated with bluebonnets and is an annual reminder of rebirth and resurrection of heart, mind, and soul!
Yesterday we had a beautiful day, the sun was seen and the weather was much more warm than usually this time of the year. 23.02.2014
That entire side of the street he's gazing at was included in a massive 'urban renewal' project, half of the old "tong laus" have already been demolished, and the rest should be gone in the next 15 months...
Gage Street, Central, Hong Kong
This Music Store in Portland, Oregon was opened in 1969 by a guy named Don MacLeod. It was well known as THE place to find cool European imports and other hard to find LPs. It is now owned and run by a guy named Terry Currier, who among many things, spearheaded a west coast movement in 1993 to battle a record industry push to ban the sale of used merchandise. The face of the record industry on this issue was country singer Garth Brooks who publicly demanded that stores only sell new copies of his records. Despite the fact that used merchandise made up less than 5% of the store's sales, Currier stood on the principle that retailers and consumers should be allowed to buy and sell legal merchandise as they saw fit and held a Garth Brooks BBQ at the store which to this day does not stock any Brooks merchandise. And of course in the long run the record industry lost this greed based initiative.
Music Millennium is a quintessential Portland place to me. It champions local musicians, holds many in store concerts, and continues to inspire new generations to discover new art. Currently, it is great to see the return of vinyl. Walls covered in a lovely mosaic of LP jackets adorn the reborn section of the store. It connects me to my early life in San Jose, California where I spent many hours at Tower Records reading the backs of LP jackets, flipping through posters, and discovering the ever evolving world of popular music by hanging around and talking to people. You just don't get that on iTunes. . . So, if you ever make it to Portland, put SE 32nd and Burnside in your GPS and check out this wonderful place. But if you are far away, the web address is www.musicmillennium.com
It's the 96th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia today. Photo is taken on the highest point of Estonia, Suur Munamägi.
To celebrate the Aminus3 10 year anniversary, this is also added to the Place I Live theme.
Cool street art in a laneway behind the Ainslie Shops. I grew up in this area and currently live not far away.
Canberra draws much of its character from its suburban shops. Ainslie has one of the oldest neighbourhood centres. The idea of a local community focus is still crucial to the planning of our suburbs. You will often find shopfronts facing or surrounding a small plaza area with shade trees and public art. Places such as Ainslie typically offer a small supermarket, café, restaurant and perhaps a wine bar. You can also expect to find a pharmacy and one or two other services.
The challenge for these local centres is to compete with the mega shopping malls. As a result, in the suburbs, there are empty stores and even derelict places. However, on the positive side, other local sites have revitalized their appearance. Just try and find a car space in one of the more popular spots!
A recent idea has also been Parties at the Shops. It was the focus for a series of mine last year - as you can see here.
C'est une place centrale pour qui veut accéder à la médina de Fès (en arrivant, par exemple, de la ville nouvelle). Cette esplanade immense se trouve à proximité du lycée (Moulay Idriss) où j'ai préparé mon baccalauréat. Elle est également attenante au parc "Jnane Sbil" et à plusieurs portes monumentales emblématiques de la médina. Elle offre une vue dégagée sur les premiers contreforts de la chaîne montagneuse du Rif et en particulier sur le mont Zalagh. On peut également embrasser du regard la colline des Mérinides, ses ruines et son cimetière chaulé qui s'étend à perte de vie et qui nous interpelle tous les jours en nous disant d'une voix blanche comme le silence :" A bientôt !..." A l'approche de la fin de l'après-midi, cette place fort appréciée par la population humble de la médina s'anime et s'agite (halqa, saltimbanques, conteurs, musiciens, gargottes...etc.) Il n' y a pas une semaine où je n'y passe pas! Car mes pas me ramènent immanquable amant à l'espace intramuros de cette médina qui m'a vu naître et pour laquelle je voue un indéfectible attachement : Né à Fès Fasciné Et per fas et nefas Amants aimantés.
Cape Town is the place where I live. It's one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a wide variety of natural beauty - Table Mountain, the sea, the vineyards - the list just goes on and on. Yet amongst the beauty, is the danger, and many a ship has ended up stranded like these two, beacuse of the treacherous storms along our coastline.
I love to be there, whatever the season. Writing, reading, sharing and dreaming by my fav canal in town. Feeling the air and the light changes. Observing boats and seagulls, swans, sparrows and passers-by (another kind of bird).
Along that river bank of the north-east of Paris my Nikon & I enjoy a lot.
Nikon D90 1/200 second F/7.1 ISO 100 35mm
(Paris - 2014)
"No I am not a rock And I can feel it now But for a moment I'd like to forget That my heart is Sinking like a sunset"
~ Tom Cochrane, Sinking Like a Sunset
My home, my refuge ----
from ....... the outside world
where I am surrounded with nearly intact nature - where I can hike with Shiva without carrying her toiletries (shovel and broom), where I can still drink water from the creek - breathe fresh air - nearly noise free
Dudley Park. Snow day!
This is the base of what is known as the "Murmur" trestle in downtown Athens, Georgia. It was featured on the back of the band R.E.M.'s album by the same title. It's falling down. It's gotten worse since we moved here 7 years ago. Some folks are still in the process of helping it remain.
This the City of Perth skyline at dusk Anno Domini 2013...
after a long time i finally ventured out to capture the updated skyline with the new BHP Billiton building joining the line up - that's the wide building and the first on the left from the three highest skyscrapers in the middle...
you can see the previous line up here
Vue sur la cathédrale de Strasbourg depuis la cour du Palais Rohan. Strasbourg est ma ville natale, elle est située en Alsace sur le Rhin qui fait la frontière avec l'Allemagne.
View of Strasbourg Cathedral from the courtyard of the Palais Rohan. Strasbourg is my hometown, it is situated in Alsace on the Rhine which makes the border with Germany.
A special view which is never the same as days and seasons change.
I like the Land where I live,and as a female Photographer. I take pride in recording a picture from the greatest epic writer of all time. ,Ferdowsi :A man who brings honor to Persia ........ Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020) mashhad, Iran http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%B3%DB%8C .... غرور و افتخار برای هر ایرانی ...
The Mermaids over Weeki Wachee Springs...
* * * I chose this previously posted image to depict the area in which I live.
The city of Weeki Wachee was established in 1966. With a population of a dozen or so, it is easily the least populated city in the Tampa Bay area!
The city was incorporated to put Weeki Wachee on road maps and to protect and preserve the roadside attraction Weeki Wachee Springs, which premiered its first underwater theater show in 1947. The spring is a natural wonder in itself, with more than 117 million gallons of clear, fresh, 72-degree water bubbling up out of its subterranean caverns daily. The park is now owned by the state of Florida and belongs to the state park system.
So I have entered this in to the place I live 2014. This is the Peak District. A natural beauty in Derbyshire. It's definitely a place to reflect on and although not part of my every day life, it's a special place to go and unwind and blow off the cobwebs.
Lake Needwood is a 75 acre reservoir located just east of Rockville. It is about a 10 minute drive from my house. I like to go there to sit and reflect and to take pictures during every season. I have a lot of fond memories of taking my boys to Lake Needwood for picnics and fishing when they were small.
I live on the northside of Brisbane in Queensland Australia near a large lake with lots of wild birds, and great view point to the west for catching sunsets, this is the Place I Live
Night view of the United Nations, Sutton Place, the 59th Street Bridge and the East River from the plaza level of the apartment complex in which I live. Waterside Plaza, NYC ~ USA
© 2007, Donna Lee Michas ~ fotografia47 All Rights Reserved. w1720fz50s102707WP-NY
Village of Loché, South Burgundi , France. This is a famous place of winyards where is made white wines Pouilly Loché
This is the place I live ... Oxford, Pennsylvania. We live in the country surrounded by Amish Farms. We see the Amish everyday ... at the store, at the bank, working their farms or just traveling down the road. We live in a place where two worlds inter twine with each other in harmony. Israel pictured here; is working his farm ... we buy produce from him and his wife, Naomi and we also get firewood delivered from Stephen, another Amish fellow. It is nice having the Amish as our neighbors. (Photo taken in the Summer)
High Street Exeter in the rain, it seems to be raining all the time but there is still beauty in the weather even if it would seem sensible to be at home in the warm.